Scrum is Fun


Scrum is considered one of the best lightweight project management methods for developing complex products as a team. The entire development process is based on the three pillars of Scrum – Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation – which in practice has led to a method that is not only powerful, but can also be described as fun.

This interactive training introduces all concepts of Scrum. The participants acquire an understanding of the subject material as well as tools for putting theory into practice by participating in various serious games as a group.

Target group

All those who work with Scrum, who aim to use Scrum or who want general information on the Scrum method. This training is useful for developers, testers and managers.

Duration, number of participants and training location

The Scrum introduction training comprises one half day. The maximum number of participants depends on where the training is provided, which can be either on site at the client’s address or in one of our own training centres.


Fees are available upon request. For more information please contact our Academy by e-mail or complete the contact form at the bottom of this page.