Training: Modern C++

The “Modern C++” training focuses on the way the language is used today. It provides a complete curriculum for learning C++ from the beginning, while at the same time making clear which elements have become to be considered ‘old style’ and what are the modern ways that should be used. There is a strong emphasis on exercises and interaction, to make sure the participants have understood all the material and can apply what was learned.


Most of the elements in C++ that are needed to create well-structured and comprehensive programs will be covered.

  • This includes:
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Data types
  • Const correctness
  • Templates
  • The Standard Template Library
  • Containers
  • Algorithms
  • Exception handling
  • Operator overloading
  • Automatic memory management and smart pointers

The student is expected to have some experience in programming, not necessarily in C or C++. The course can be adapted to specific needs and requirements.

Duration, Participants and Location

The normal duration of the course is 4 days, including all of the exercises. There is a maximum of 10 participants. The course can either be presented at your location or at our training facility.


Upon request, depending on the number of participants and location.
For inquiries, please contact our Academy at our office in your area, send an e-mail or fill in the form at the bottom of this page.