Big data & Analytics

In the last ten years, organisations were forced to adapt their business models as a result of the internet, the cloud etc. The developments mentioned above in the areas of data and tooling will prove to be the ‘game changer’ in the coming years. Organisations are currently working on their “2020” strategy and aim to become data driven, make decisions based on facts instead of on hunches and remain ahead of the competition.

In theory, the possibilities seem endless but in practice, it can be difficult to make the right choices to start this process and offer added value.


A lot of organisations are asking themselves the following questions:

  • How can I link my own data to Big Data?
  • Which technical options should I choose to fully leverage Big Data and Analytics?
  • What knowledge is required to start this process?

Does your organisation also have these questions? ALTEN IT translates your ambitions into concrete results. ALTEN IT has practical experience in:

  • The Data Maturity Scan; in 3-5 minutes you will find out how well your organisation scores on critical success factors such as Data, Organisation, Technology and Governance.
  • Implementation of IOT solutions. Discover more about this discipline via IOT Hackaton
  • A quick-start approach to Big Data and Analytics
  • Various technical environments
  • Training (provision) experience
  • Know-how in the areas of statistics and predictive models.
  • Real-time data warehouse

ALTEN was one of the first Dutch companies to gain experience in the application of real-time data integration techniques and therefore knows as no other the pitfalls and priorities when it comes to a Real-time data warehouse project.